Applicant Tracking SystemApplicant Tracking System

You, as a recruiter, want to make the process easier so that you can find the best candidates in the shortest time possible. That’s why applicant tracking software (ATS) is so essential.

Don’t go back to the days of sifting through paper. An ATS recruiting system eliminates the need to use manual processes.

Applicant Tracking System Software

Instead, it offers targeted automation capabilities that help find suitable candidates and guide them through the hiring process. A candidate tracking system is no longer a luxury. It is essential for anyone who wants to hire the best talent and keep it coming back.

ATS System To Track and Manage Candidates:

Successful candidate relationship management (CRM) is key to consistently hiring well. It is where CRM systems can be of great benefit to recruiters. This multi-stage process requires efficiency and high levels of execution at each stage. These are the three major stages of the process:

Adding Candidates InTo The Database:

You can’t find suitable candidates if you don’t have their information. An applicant tracking system’s software value is evident. The best systems won’t make you add candidate information manually. They offer automated solutions that will help you save even more time. It allows you to focus on the tasks that directly lead to hiring or placing suitable candidates.

Searching Candidates Within The Database:

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have suitable candidates in your recruitment database. It is the benefit of an applicant tracking system. An applicant tracking system (ATS) allows you to search through all candidate information to locate candidates that meet your criteria. You can search by experience, geography, education, and other criteria.

Managing The Right Candidate During The Hiring Process:

It is crucial that once you have found suitable candidates, you can use your CRM or ATS to track them and manage them through the entire recruitment process. You need to know where each candidate is at in the recruitment process.

You can then make the best and fastest decisions regarding their viability and how to handle them moving forward. Here speed and accuracy are crucial. They are essential for hiring the best candidates in the shortest time possible.

An Improved Applicant Tracking System:

Given the difficulties in hiring top talent, having an average or basic HR applicant tracking system is not enough. A more refined ATS will be required to maintain and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

The best ATS for recruiters has high-level software tools and other features. These features help to find more qualified candidates, communicate more effectively with them, and speed up the recruitment process to keep them interested.

An advanced applicant tracking system in all stages of the recruitment process, including those mentioned above. These are some of the key features and functions that this type of HR software and recruiting software has:

Adding Records: A refined ATS will allow you to add candidate and job order data beyond the manual entry. It should offer multiple options for data addition, including an email parsing tool and bulk data importing.

Posting Jobs: The best talent management systems allow you to post your opportunities on the most popular job-posting sites. It gives your job more exposure, and candidates who apply for these jobs add to your databank.

Scheduling Activities: To track candidates accurately and effectively throughout the hiring process, you need to be able to schedule activities that will occur during that time.

Comments and Notes Can Add: This functionality is helpful for the whole team. Each member of the team can see the entire history of the project, as well as the trail of communication.

Email Marketing: Another aspect of candidate relationship management involves communication. It includes email marketing. The most popular ATS systems allow users to send candidates individually or in a bulk format.

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, standard ATS features won’t cut it for recruiters. A sophisticated applicant tracking system is required. An improved ATS system will streamline the process, save time, and increase production at all levels.

Applicant Tracking System Features:

It all boils down to the best ATS software features for a sophisticated applicant tracking system. Top Echelon’s ATS includes all the most critical recruiting software features that recruiters need to save time and increase efficiency during the hiring process.

Here are four Top Echelon applicant tracking software features you can use to benefit your organization’s or recruiting agency’s hiring efforts.

Feature 1: Job Order Pipelines

This ATS feature allows you to see who is considering for a job and where they are in the recruitment process. This feature is what makes Top Echelon stand out.

  1. Top Echelon offers customized stages that can adapt to your workflow.
  2. The list can use to execute mass actions such as sending emails, submitting to hiring managers, or building a list in your planner.
  3. Top Echelon’s job placement forms allow you to record and track all details about your jobs once you have reached the placement stage.
  4. Top Echelon’s reporting on placement allows you to view key metrics such as time-to-fill and source reporting.

Feature 2 – Resume Parsing

Top Echelon uses this feature to pull critical data from your resume and create a record (contact info, education, certificates, and custom tags). This feature is a vital part of Top Echelon’s expertise:

  1. Top Echelon offers automatic duplicate checking and automatic updates.
  2. You can send job applications directly from your email (email parsing).
  3. Top Echelon’s Browser Extension allows you to capture and analyze Web pages from the Internet.
  4. Mass-parse job resumes using a zip file.

Feature 3 – Seamless Searching

Top Echelon’s search capabilities are second to none, giving users the following functionality.

  1. Top Echelon makes it easy to search by radius and keywords.
  2. Boolean Builder allows you to create targeted keyword search strings.
  3. Searches can save.
  4. Top Echelon provides flexible results lists with filters, sorting, and the option to choose whether columns are displayed or hidden.
  5. You can quickly review all results in one place with the record preview feature in the result lists.
  6. You can also review highlighted search terms quickly.
  7. Top Echelon lets you take mass actions from a mailing list. It includes mass emailing, adding a Hotlist to your Pipeline, logging, and scheduling activities.

Feature 4: Biz Dev Hotlists

Top Echelon’s Business Development Hotlists allows recruiters to save time and focus on more critical tasks. Recruiters use these Hotlists for business development to create custom records lists, including company records or people records. Here are some of Top Echelon’s capabilities concerning this feature.

  1. You can create categories for each list to match your business development workflow. It’s simple to move records between categories.
  2. Top Echelon lets you use the list to perform mass actions such as sending emails or building a call list from your planner.
  3. To review and share record data, you can view it in the list.

Why Do Recruiters Require An ATS system?

A recruiter needs an applicant tracking system for many reasons, whether they are an agency or a corporate recruiter.

A recruiter’s ability to track and manage candidates would be severely affected if there was no applicant tracking system. In the beginning days of the profession, recruiters used only a filing cabinet containing hard copies of resumes and a list of numbers to make calls. Next came desktop applications for candidate management and tracking.

Online applicant tracking systems were made possible by the advent of the Internet. Users could log in to their systems anywhere they had an Internet connection.

An ATS system or ATS program is a necessity:

An ATS is not something that should treat as a luxury in today’s fast-paced business world. It’s a necessity.

A Recruiter Should Use An Applicant Tracker System Primarily For The Time Savings:

There are many ways to do this:

This Process is Entirely Paperless:

As long as job candidates submit their resumes electronically, there is no need for a paper one. It is a time-saver not to have to move paper around.

Human Error is Much Less Likely:

Paper is not the only thing. Human error is another obstacle to time-saving. An ATS can eliminate this error. An applicant tracking system will not eliminate all human errors. However, it can help reduce it. Every little bit counts.

All Information Is Located in One Central Location:

A job application tracking system makes it easier because you don’t have to submit multiple applications. Only one job application is required. It is beneficial when multiple people are involved in the process. Everyone involved can view the status of candidates, important information, events schedule, and other communication avenues.

It Offers A Better Candidate Experience:

We must not forget the candidate. An applicant tracking system will make the application process more efficient and help candidates stay engaged. The more engaged candidates, the greater the chance they will stay with the process.

This summary is for an agency recruiter who uses an applicant tracking system. The faster your process runs, the more time you can save. You can place candidates faster if the process completes quickly. Once you have placed a candidate, a place check will soon follow. You can save more time by making more placements.

An ATS allows you to hire more top-quality candidates faster. Talent acquisition and recruiting are time-consuming. It is not enough to be faster. To succeed, you must also be faster than your competition.

ATS Recruitment And Hiring in The Office:

Recruiters must use a candidate tracking system at work and on mobile devices in today’s wireless age. Passive candidates are more likely to search for new jobs during weekends and evenings. It means that recruiters must have access to all information, whether at work or on the go.

Top Echelon’s recruiting software is mobile-friendly. It adapts to any device that you use to access your information. It can use on a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other portable devices.

Top Echelon software allows users to track candidates in the office and on the move. It is crucial because the quicker you present qualified candidates to hiring managers, the faster you can schedule interviews and the faster the placement process.

Some of the best applicant tracking software offer a free trial of their software, a demo, or both. There are many applicant tracking software companies out there that offer no free trial or require that you submit certain information before they reveal their pricing structure.

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