Search Engine Optimization Stats

Search Engine Optimization is a complex process, but you can use these mind-blowing stats to get an understanding of how search engines work, and what they’re looking for.

Search Engine Optimization Stats

  1. The average number of hours per month that people spend on the internet.
  2. The average number of hours per month that people spend on the internet is 2.1 hours.
  3. The average number of hours per month that people spend on social media is 1.5 hours.

The average number of hours per month that people spend on email is 3.2 hours and the average number of minutes spent browsing the internet is 2 minutes for every minute spent watching television, according to a report from Nielsen Research Bureau cited by Market Watch in April 2016.[1]

The Number Of Searches On Google Each Day:

Google processes more than 3.5 billion searches every day, which is a daily average, meaning that the search engine processes more than 3.5 billion searches every day. This is up from just over 2 billion in 2008!

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The Percentage Of People Who Search Via Voice Rather Than Typing:

Voice search is growing in popularity, but it’s still a small percentage of overall searches. This means that if you’re not optimizing for voice search right now and your site isn’t talking to customers like they’re talking to us, then you could be missing out on some serious money.

The Following Stats Show How Many People Are Using Voice Search As An Alternative Method Of Finding What They Want Online:

The Share Of Internet Users Who Are Searching For Information On Their Mobile Devices:

  1. The share of internet users who are searching for information on their mobile devices.
  2. The percentage of people who search via voice rather than typing.
  3. The average number of hours per month that people spend on the internet.

The Top Revenue-Producing Industries Based On Search Engine Results Pages (Serps):

SERPs are the first thing that a searcher sees when they search for something on Google. They are also the most important part of any website’s SEO strategy, as they can help drive traffic and sales.

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The Top 5 Revenue-Producing Industries Based On Serps In The US:

  1. Medical & Health Care (20%).
  2. Real Estate (15%).
  3. Finance (12%) 4) Travel & Tourism (11%).

The Top Five Most-Searched-For Jobs Worldwide, By Country:

  1. US: Project Manager
  2. Canada: Software Engineer
  3. UK: IT Project Manager
  4. Australia: Developer (Software Engineer)
  5. India: Software Engineer
  6. Japan

The Most Popular Questions Asked After A Person’s Name In Each U.S. State, As Well As Each Country Outside Of The United States (In Order From Most Common To Least Common):

  1. What is that person’s name?
  2. How old are they?
  3. Where are they from?
  4. What do they do?
  5. What is their occupation, and how tall are they (in inches)?

The Top Five Most-Searched-For Hobbies In Various Countries Around The World:

  1. In India, the most popular hobby is cricket.
  2. Thailand has a lot of people who like to play golf and volleyball.

The Top 10 Countries Where Online Shopping Is Most Popular, By Visitor Volume, Based On Google Analytics Data From 2017:

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. France
  5. Canada 6 Australia 7 Brazil

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The 10 Most Popular Brands Searched For Globally On Google, According To Google Trends Data From 2018:

  1. Google (GOOGL)
  2. Facebook Inc., (FB)
  3. YouTube, LLC (GOOG)
  4. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) 5th place with a market cap of $240 billion and revenues of $95 billion in 2018 alone!

6th place with a market cap of $293 billion and revenues of $118 billion in 2018 alone!

7th place with a market cap of $305 billion and revenues of $130 billion in 2018 alone!

8th place with a market cap of $306 billion and revenues from 122 countries around the world every day!

Mind-Blowing Search Engine Optimization Stats

In This Section, We Will Take A Look At Some Mind Blowing Search Engine Optimization Stats:

  1. The average number of hours per month that people spend on the internet is now 38 hours. This is up from just 28 hours in 2008 and 17 hours in 2000.
  2. The number of searches on Google each day is over 2 billion, which means there are more than 200 million searches every minute! (Source: Google)
  3. Voice queries account for 15% of all traffic at present; however, they’re expected to rise above 20% by 2021 – so keep an eye on your voice recognition skills or hire someone who can help you out!
  4. A majority (53%) of internet users have access to mobile devices when doing their online research – whether it’s via smartphone or tablet device; however, only about half (49%) use these devices regularly when conducting web searches…


The key takeaway from all of this is that while SEO is important, it’s not an end-all-be-all solution. You need to know what your clients want and then deliver it in the most effective way possible, which means using data analytics to determine what works best for each individual brand or company.